We currently provide a $10 credit for new customers who create an account on Cellucor.com or C4Energy.com. The 10 dollars is offered in credit when you create an account (200pts = $2) and complete profiles in your account (800pts = $8).
Here is a step-by-step process on how to redeem your $10 in Rep Rewards Credit:
1. Create an account
On the top-right of the homepage, click the Login/Signup/Profile icon, then choose Sign Up. Enter the required information to create an account, and you will instantly receive your first 200 points.
2. Update your profile
After creating your account, navigate to the My Account page from the homepage, then select Profile in the center. Under the Overview section, add your Instagram handle, phone number, and click Save at the bottom.
3. Update your Fitness Profile
Under Account Profile select Fitness Profile. Choose answers for the Fitness Profile questions and select Update Profile at the bottom. This will add an additional 800 points to your account.
After completing these three steps, refreshing the page will show that you have 1,000 rewards points associated with your profile. To redeem these points, select Rep Rewards in the lower-left corner, choose Redeem Points, Redeem, then use the slider to adjust the number of points you would like to use towards your next order. This will automatically create a discount that will apply to your next order.
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